News Item #17 (May 22, l999)

ICML Registrations Open @ MLA

Public registrations for ICML opened at the MLA’s annual meeting in Chicago. The ICML booth was one of the busiest in the exhibition and the team of volunteers was kept busy throughout handing out more than 700 ICML brochures and almost as many posters.

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Some members of the ICML booth team pictured seconds before the opening of the exhibition. Back row: Peter Morgan (Cambridge University), Gay Davis (Inst for Cancer research), Pam Meredith (NLM), Linda Lisgarten (School of Pharmacy), Sheron Burton (Royal Soc Medicine), Jane Smith (BMA); front row: Tony McSeán (BMA), James McSeán (Stoke Newington School), Carol Lefebvre (UK Cochrane Centre).