
9º World Congress on Health Information and Libraries

Salvador, Bahia - Brazil, September, 20 to 23 - 2005


4th Regional Coordination Meeting of the VHL

September, 19 to 20 - 2005

Contributed Paper & Poster session

Abstracts must be submitted to the Scientific Program Committee in English and must arrive before April 30th 2005.

Make your pre registration now to get the code to access the online submission system. It is not necessary to pay for pre registration.
  • Paper contributions should relate to one of the proposed program themes.
  • You can not submit the same idea as both a poster and a paper session.
  • Please select the primary session for which you are contributing your paper. If you feel it's appropriate, you may also submit a second program title for which you would like your paper considered. However, you may not submit the same idea as both a paper and poster session.
  • A presenting author will need to be identified upon submission and be required to register and pay for registration.
  • Presentations will be limited to twenty minutes Time will be provided following the presentation of each paper for questions, answers, and discussion.
  • For more detailed information on how to submit contributed paper abstracts, visit the contributed paper form.
What to include in your submission
  • Select category to abstract submission (paper or poster)
  • Author. The submission process is done by the presenting author. After review and approval the co authors will be informed
  • Select the subject track for which you are submitting your paper
  • The presentation. Title and subtitle of presentation; language of presentation; alternative language if first choice cannot be accommodate; abstract of not more than 300 words

The Scientific Program Committee will review all contributions and make selection for inclusion in the final programme. You will be notified whether or not your contribution has been accepted and you will be asked to confirm that you intend to attend the Congress to present your paper. A letter of invitation will be sent to all selected authors to assist them in obtaining funds or a visa to attend the ICML9. All contributors will be required to pay the full registration fee for the ICML9 and cover their travel, accommodation and other personal expenses. Information about ICML scholarship process and application process will be sent to all successful authors. To selected authors the pre registration payment expiration date will be extended up to July 15th, 2005.

Contributors will have the opportunity to submit an update abstract which will appear in the final programme. They will also have the opportunity to submit their full paper up to July 31st, 2005, to be published at the site of ICML and will be available in the time for the congress. The proceedings will not be published on paper and contributors may publish their papers elsewhere after the conference, mentioning it was presented at ICML9.

  • Poster contributions should present results of investigations or initiatives with practical applications that improve procedures or services.
  • You can not submit the same idea as both a poster and a paper session.
  • You are invited to create posters that present practical approaches, investigations, or initiatives resulting in new or improved procedures and services.
  • A presenting author will need to be identified upon submission and be required to register.
  • Posters selected for inclusion in the program will be assigned to one of the poster sessions. Presenters will be required to staff their poster displays during their assigned time.
  • Print posters should be put up on Monday afternoon before the opening of the exhibits and will be displayed from Tuesday evening until Friday afternoon.
  • After selection presenters will be required to submit their presentations for posting on ICML9 site.
  • For more detailed information on poster, send a message to icml9@bireme.br
  • see abstract submission