9º World Congress on Health Information and Libraries

Salvador, Bahia - Brazil, September, 20 to 23 - 2005


4th Regional Coordination Meeting of the VHL

September, 19 to 20 - 2005

P164 - Attention and Management Humanization Thematic Area

The Attention and Management Humanization Thematic Area is a sources` site of information of the Ministry Health, that has as objective to provide ample access to the technical-scientific production, standards, educative and cultural on humanization in the health area, contributing for further discussions of the technical area of the National Policy’s Humanizations (PNH) on the management of the institutional information, besides facilitating to the production of studies and researches, as well as the dissemination of the generated sources of agile and qualitative manners. The work methodology understood the rescue of the production in the Ministry Health, with research, collects and cadastre of headings and definition of the priority subject and sub-subjects of the humanization. Beyond the document’s compilation produced by another governmental and not-governmental institution related to the subjects of convenience’s project and/or indicated by the technical area of PNH.