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Versión en Español
Pesquisa livre
9º Congresso Mundial de Informação em Saúde e Bibliotecas
Salvador, Bahia - Brasil, 20 a 23 de setembro de 2005
4ª Reunião de Coordenação Regional da BVS
19 e 20 de setembro de 2005
> Tema 3 - Gestão de informação e conhecimento: organizações aprendizes
21 a 23 de setembro de 2005
12:00 - 14:00
Sessão de Poster
Local: Hall E - Terceiro andar
P31 - Information and knowledge management: innovative ways to support information management processes in health and organizational knowledge
Adriana Gonçalves Menezes
P32 - Information and knowledge sharing in specialized libraries
Adriano Lopes; Faimara do Rocio Strauhs
P33 - Communication and corporation management within the context of knowledge society
Ana Cristina da Matta Furniel
P34 - Bank of images in the health area
Ana Lucia Pinto da Silva
P35 - Using the Virtual Health Library (VHL) methodology to establish and develop a virtual library (BV) for a documentation and information center (CDi) of a sponsoring
Ana Maria C. de Araújo; Thaís Fernandes de Morais
P36 - Cooperative work on Information Management in Psychology
Ana Rita Junqueira Linguanotto; Elaine Cristina Domingues
P37 - Emerging trends in the information profession to meet the needs of organizations in a changing environment: issues and challenges for developing countries
Carol Burgher
P38 - Standardization and Classification of management electronics files documents as administration tool in Human Resources
Daniel Lima Reis da Silva; Lêda Cristina Moreira Alves
P39 - Information Management on AIDS and STD in Brazil via a Georeferenced Panel
Edgard Costa Oliveira; Renato Girade; Maria Goretti P. Fonseca
P40 - Internal Communication: efficiency in the management of projects in the area of Information and Communication in Science and Technology in Health
Fernanda Araujo Miranda; Antonio José Marinho Ribeiro; Claudenice Carvalho Girão Gomes; Maria da Conceição Rodrigues de Carvalho
P41 - Information Management in Parana State’s Hospitals: present time and trends
Ivani da Silva; Ângela Maria de Oliveira
P42 - The Giant VISALEGIS
Lilian de Aguiar Belsito; Ricardo Oliva
P43 - Knowledge: Key asset for improved health systems
Liz Nugent
P44 - A Fuzzy System for Information about Sleep Disorders
Mara M. G. Barreto; Luiz E. A. M. Mello
P45 - The competitive intelligence and Central Library of the Center of Sciences of the Health/UFRJ
Mara Lúcia Alves Leitão Corrêa; Maria Alice Peixoto Ferreira
P46 - Scientific production of teachers and technicians of the Collective Health Institute/UFBA, listed in an index databases LILACS and MEDLINE
Maria Creuza Ferreira da Silva; Elizabet Haussler
P47 - Health documentation and information centers: decentralizing the documentation and facilitating the information access
Maria Sílvia Robaina de Sousa Lessa; Silvana Matos Amaro
P48 - Technological resources for education/learning in the area of the health: collection of videos of the Library Emília Bustamante of the Joaquim Venâncio Polytechnical School of Health - Oswaldo Cruz Foundation
Mario Cesar Barroso Mesquita
P49 - The Applied Molecular Biology Laboratory (LBMA/IFF/FIOCRUZ): an operational model in planning for a strategic health research network
Marleide Pires Cruz; Letícia Guida Fonseca; Júlio Paixão; Marcelino José Jorge
P50 - News Agency: a new source of networked information at VHL - Virtual Health Library, model of information and health scientific-technical knowledge management by BIREME/ PAHO/ WHO
Patrícia Camargo; Luís Carlos Caramez; Domingos Teruel; Silvia de Valentin
P51 - A parallel between Knowledge Management and Clinical Meetings held in a hospital – a well succeed model
Patricia Costa Tavares
P52 - Knowledge and scientific production in the National Network of Human Milk Banks
Paulo Ricardo da Silva Maia; Franz Reis Novak; João Aprígio Guerra de Almeida; Danielle Aparecida da Silva
P53 - Information management in health services: the informational flow on the segment of clinical analysis laboratories in Salvador
Ricardo Coutinho Mello; Paulo Balanco
P54 - Rede Sentinela: sharing information in the drive for quality in health products and services
Roberta Buarque Rabêlo; Clarice Alegre Petramale; Patrícia Fernanda Toledo Barbosa; Maria Regina Scholz; Diogo Penha Soares
P55 - Data Collection: the source of accurate information
Rosane Abdala Lins de Santana; Rosany Bochner; Maria Cristina Soares Guimarães
P56 - Knowledge management in libraries: the contribution of the information technology for information dissemination in libraries of the health area
Sarah Tavares Pimenta
P57 - Local health information flow : a case study at the Municipal Secretary of Health in Campinas; SP
Vera Silvia Marão Beraquet; Simone Lucas Gonçalves; Renata Ciol; Elisabete Fogari; Natália Montedori Chiavaro; Márcio Alexandre do Nascimento Chagas; Rodrigo de Aquino Carvalho