P36 - Cooperative work on Information Management in Psychology
It describes the psychological information management process in Brazil, that is based on the integration of users, producers and organizers of the psychological knowledge into a specialized virtual space- the Health Virtual Library – Psychology (BVS-Psi). As the project achieved recognition by the scientific community, it has been expanded to Latin America, with the creation of the Virtual Library of the Latin American Union of Psychology Institutions (BVS-ULAPSI). The BVS-ULAPSI project aims the integration of the Latin American psychology information area, contributing to overcome the informational apartheid that is imposed to these countries. It points out the activities of the Brazilian Psychology Libraries Network – ReBAP, composed by 100 libraries. It emphasizes the librarians team working in an effective shared, cooperative and decentralized environment, where the motivation and generosity are the main impulse, transforming ReBAP into a “human community” engaged with the location, selection, organ
ization and dissemination of technical and scientific knowledge in psychology. The libraries integration facilitates the psychology information management in Brazil and contributes to extend and strengthen alliances between Latin American countries through experience sharing.