9º World Congress on Health Information and Libraries

Salvador, Bahia - Brazil, September, 20 to 23 - 2005


4th Regional Coordination Meeting of the VHL

September, 19 to 20 - 2005

P60 - Fiocruz at UTV – a look on the program Videosaúde

The work developed by Fundação Oswaldo Cruz is an important piece in the government actions in the fields of public health and science and technology. Fiocruz is one of the main institutions that have most participated with proposals for the movement of sanitary since the 80s. This experience resounds in the communication area. The institution hás sistematized a program which is part os its diversified work in the area of information and communication, something that also shows the diversity of its reflections and practices. The program involves the work of treatment, processing, preservation and dissemination of scientific and technological information necessary to strenghten actions in the public health field, and is part of a communication project. It is noticed that information and communicaton on health are inserted in na extensive network of processes and instruments, articulating several internal interlocutors, as well as other bodies from the area of health and from society as a whole. An example i s the participation of Fiocruz in the programming of UTV - Canal Universitário do Rio de Janeiro. UTV is a non-profit organization which gathers in a consortium several university institutions. Its programming is dedicated to education, culture and citzenship promotion, having as a central principle the debate on current affairs. Fiocruz participates with three programs, two of them produced by Canal Saúde and one by the Department of Communication and Health from Centro de Informação Científica e Tecnológica - DCS/CICT.
This work aimed to characterize Fiocruz programs at UTV, focusing exclusively the program VideoSaúde, produced by DCS/CICT, and to check how this program was related to the proposals of the sanitary movement and to UTV`s basic principle, once that Canal Universitário represents a way of dialogue with society. VideoSaúde was named after Distribuidora VideoSaúde and is characterized by showing one or more videos of the collection. The program is one of the ways of expanding the public who is potentially interested in the vídeos.
The method adopted was the observation, the daily experience and the investigation of the programs shown during the Canal Universitário`s first four years, through a detailed survey of the complete list of VideoSaúde programming. A recovery in the archives of the scripts and of the programs shown allowed to find who and what about is VideoSaúde. From 144 videos presented, 43,75% were produced by Health Public Institutions; 37,5% by the Third Party and 18,75% by Universities and Independent Producers. The most common subjects are related to diseases (including Aids and other sexually transmitted diseases, and breakbone fever), women`s and teenagers` health and environment.
Fiocruz presence at Canal Universitário is the result of na intense struggle between several sectors of society, including the debates and reflections made at the National Health Conferences: the 9th, which debated the subject and proposed the use of mass media to incre ase popular consciousness; and the 11th, which went deeper in the debate on the relations between the areas of information, education and communication on health. When analyzing VideoSaúde we find two main aspects: i) the characteristics of the programming are directly related to the national production of health vídeos, since the program is made of videos from the Distribuidora; ii) the agenda and the general situation of health are elements that influence DCS`s action. These questions act like filters or modellers of the program. The proposals of the sanitary movement e of UTV are present in the program`s essence, since it is thought over even while it is produced.