P62 - National Information Policy in Hungary
The revolutionary development of the Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) means new challenges for Hungary. To manage changes, Hungary has developed its national information policy including information policies for specific sectors.
These serve public policy, because they set a strategic goal that, in addition to the working places in the administration, the info-communication means and applications should also be extended over the every day life and other fields of communities.
The objective of this paper is to present
• the main goals,
• the structure,
• the intervention areas,
• the implementation of programs and
• the results have been achieved by this
of HISS (Hungarian Information Society Strategy) essentially defining the Hungarian national public policy.
The paper examines the penetration of the info-communication means and their applications in the states of the Europ ean Union and in Hungary, using sets of statistic data. (The number of telephone subscriptions, mobile subscriptions, PCs, PCs connected to Internet, Internet users, public Internet access points, home Internet access and broadband Internet access.)
The other point of view of the examination is the analysis of the EU documents (eEurope +, eEurope2005 and “i2010”) relating to the unified European information society and the comparison of their objectives with those of HISS.
The sector analysis of the evolutional results achieved in the subprograms of the eHungary program developed as the action plan of HISS: Demonstration of the changes in quantity and quality in infrastructure, content provision, equal access and learning of the use of ICT means.
• HISS helps the economy and society to catch up with Europe
• HISS follows the values and paths of action of Europe, considering also the specific Hungarian characteristics and possibilities
• HISS looks upon the extension of the application of information and communications technologies as the key to Hungary’s success.
The revolutionary development of the Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) means new challenges for Hungary. To manage changes, Hungary has developed its national information policy including information policies for specific sectors.
These serve public policy, because they set a strategic goal that, in addition to the working places in the administration, the info-communication means and applications should also be extended over the every day life and other fields of communities.
The objective of this paper is to present
• the main goals,
• the structure,
• the intervention areas,
• the implementation of programs and
• the results have been achieved by this
of HISS (Hungarian Information Society Strategy) essentially defining the Hungarian national public policy.
The paper examines the penetration of the info-communication means and their applications in the states of the Europ ean Union and in Hungary, using sets of statistic data. (The number of telephone subscriptions, mobile subscriptions, PCs, PCs connected to Internet, Internet users, public Internet access points, home Internet access and broadband Internet access.)
The other point of view of the examination is the analysis of the EU documents (eEurope +, eEurope2005 and “i2010”) relating to the unified European information society and the comparison of their objectives with those of HISS.
The sector analysis of the evolutional results achieved in the subprograms of the eHungary program developed as the action plan of HISS: Demonstration of the changes in quantity and quality in infrastructure, content provision, equal access and learning of the use of ICT means.
• HISS helps the economy and society to catch up with Europe
• HISS follows the values and paths of action of Europe, considering also the specific Hungarian characteristics and possibilities
• HISS looks upon the extension of the application of information and communications technologies as the key to Hungary’s success.