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P70 - Speech-language pathology and audiology scientific production in Brazil: an analysis of complete articles, published in journals
Postgraduation activities play a fundamental role in the generation of new knowledge, reflecting upon the publication of research results. The set of these publications comprises the scientific production of a given area, group or researcher. Through the analysis of this production, one is allowed to know the dynamics of a scientific community, its peculiarities and productivity. This paper aimed at surveying and analyzing the scientific production in the field of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology, from the faculty of the eight Master´s and/or Doctor´s stricto sensu Postgraduation Programs, approved by Capes. Being an exploratory and descriptive research, it had in its methodology, as the object of the study, the complete articles of journals published by 77 professors. 1563 references were collected, regardless of the year of publication, having as a source, the curricula available at the Lattes Platform. The production was divided into 266 titles, being 171 (64%) national and 95 (36%) international
ones. The analysis showed that 247 titles (93%) received from 1 to 10 publications. Only 4 national titles (1%) concentrate the production of these researchers (between 100 and 250 publications): Pró-fono, Acta Awho, Revista Brasileira de Otorrinolaringologia e Distúrbios da Comunicação. The publication period is centred in the 90s (46%) and between 2000 and 2005 (41%). The work also points to the distribution of titles in the Qualis base and Impact Factor (ISI), demonstrating the large production concentration and scattering in national journals.