9º World Congress on Health Information and Libraries

Salvador, Bahia - Brazil, September, 20 to 23 - 2005


4th Regional Coordination Meeting of the VHL

September, 19 to 20 - 2005

P94 - Health Bulletin: diffusion, construction and reflection on health public actions

The Health Bulletin, magazine of the Rio Grande do Sul Health Public School, created in 1969, result of the administrative changes in the State, intended to be a communication way with delegation, harmonization and interchange. It aimed at the internal divulgation for the State Health Department technicians and officers. From the first editions, there was the interest in divulging the main health actions and programs. Throughout the years, the magazine was being modified, complying with the requirements and technical rules.    In June 1986, there was an interruption of its edition, being reedited in 1999/2000, with a new editorial project. In 2003, the magazine renews its graphical project, widening its regional target to n ational and international readers in order to spread out knowledge on public health and collective health, also emphasizing the important health policies with thematic editions. Its main goals are:  to divulge the technical and scientific production and to promote the dissemination of expertise for the construction of the knowledge necessary to support the changing processes and the construction of new health practices related to health.  The Magazine is growing and fits the needs of the global society. The Health Bulletin that began 36 years ago aiming at the internal communication of the State Health Department  team, is now changing into  a medium of dissemination and visibility of the public/collective  health production and actions, helping the development of critical and political thought.