9º Congresso Mundial de Informação em Saúde e Bibliotecas

Salvador, Bahia - Brasil, 20 a 23 de setembro de 2005


4ª Reunião de Coordenação Regional da BVS

19 e 20 de setembro de 2005

P85 - Informational strategies for social intervention actions in health

Several meetings of international scope have discussed the increment of social intervention in the Health area lately, reinforcing that health is a basic human right and showing social inequalities worldwide. These actions aim both the promotion and prevention of health. Health promotion searches changing life conditions as well as individual decision-making processes regarding life quality. Furthermore, prevention seeks actions in order to stop, control and weaken risk factors or causes of disease. Promotion and prevention practices use scientific knowledge and many strategies, including informational ones. Information, according to the cognitive line of Information Science, modifies cognitive structure of individuals and triggers actions that can be, among others, a behavioral change. Informational strategies make information suitable and intelligible to users. Videos, oral or written material and images are often common in these strategies. When informational strategies are identified, the selection of vid eos available becomes easier. They can also be used as a support to make new ones. Using strategies to draw the attention of individuals in a group, thus facilitating conveyance of information, is legitimate. Nevertheless it is necessary to be acquainted with the social and cultural context of information users. For the creation of a typology to informational strategies in Information Science, concepts of other areas were employed, such as: Communication, Sociology, Linguistics, Cognition and Education.  Likewise, the technology used in the videos can supply the material to the construction of technical information strategies, aiming at a more efficient transference and assimilation of information. Informational strategies can be used in various information and communication processes, bringing out the ones which make use of images, like sites, portals etc.