9º Congresso Mundial de Informação em Saúde e Bibliotecas

Salvador, Bahia - Brasil, 20 a 23 de setembro de 2005


4ª Reunião de Coordenação Regional da BVS

19 e 20 de setembro de 2005

P110 - Knowledge Portal in Sanitary Surveillance

The development of the Knowledge Portal is in the context of the management of the technical scientific knowledge elaborated by the National Agency of Sanitary Surveillance - ANVISA.
Its main objective is to promote to the professionals in Sanitary Surveillance an easy way to access the technical scientific literature, via Internet, which is necessary for the discharge of their activities and decision taking.
Through the Portal, the whole community has the access to an organized and integrated collection of information sources made of bibliographic data basis, factual data basis, scientific magazines catalogue with complete access to complete text, directories of institutions, events and specialists, and more, a service of retrieval of scientific articles not readily accessible. 
For identification, selection, and availability of information sources, adequate to the ANVISA’s technicians’ necessities some lines of action were established:
Users – prior identification of techn ical scientific information necessities in sanitary surveillance.
Data Basis – identification of the main data basis to answer the necessities of information of the professionals in Anvisa.
Scientific Magazines – the Portal catalogue registers the collection of scientific periodicals of interest to ANVISA, with a link to the electronic versions of them, whenever possible; or the collection in paper, available in the libraries of ANVISA and the components of the Brazilian Network of Information in Health Science.
Scientific documents supply – a delivery service of copies of articles is available to all the professionals of ANVISA through SCAD – Cooperative Service of Access to Documents.
Users qualification – it is divided in two ways:
Permanent – directed to the professionals of the National System of Sanitary Surveillance.
In the Week of Knowledge – annual event of ANVISA.
Marketing – make the Portal public as a essential resource to conduct the dec ision processes in sanitary surveillance.
The Portal has given the professionals in ANVISA a substantial refinement of their activities, as a result of the access to various data basis, scientific legislation and literature, as well as the exchange of experiences.
The Portal is available in the site http://anvisa.bvs.br.