9º Congresso Mundial de Informação em Saúde e Bibliotecas

Salvador, Bahia - Brasil, 20 a 23 de setembro de 2005


4ª Reunião de Coordenação Regional da BVS

19 e 20 de setembro de 2005

P112 - Virtual Library of Health in Infectious and Parasitic Diseases (BVS-DIP) – Brazil: a focus in Dengue

The Virtual Library of Health in Infectious and Parasitic Diseases – DIP – Brazil is a integrant project of the Virtual Library of Health (BVS) coordinated by OPAS/BIREME guided by a National Advisory Committee led by the Library of Manguinhos/Scientific and Technological Information Center (CICT) of Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz), whose objective is to promote a cooperative and decentralized operation of an information resource available on the net in Infectious and Parasitic Diseases in Internet. The BVS-DIP contemplates 26 thematic diseases. Given importance to recent epidemics and the control and sanitary monitoring programs, Dengue will be the most prominent diseases. This initiative characterizes the partnership between CICT/Library of Manguinhos through its BVS-DIP Brazil and the Dengue-Rio Net, as well as its sub-project of update and development the category Dengue of Manguinhos´ Thesaurus, created with the purpose to maximize the use of information, that is articulated to the sub-net of Educat ion, Information and Communication in Dengue. It will be possible to access on-line a great quantity of scientific information on Dengue.
Due the necessity of incorporate to BVS-DIP a bigger visibility for thematic Dengue, a Sub-category in HTML will be implemented to gather together information of Dengue as News (about the disease prevention and combat. They will be collected in periodicals through the Internet and updated weekly), Videos and Images (bank of images and scientific videos about Dengue will be available for educative and informative use), Events (congresses, seminaries, meetings about Dengue, collected in the Internet), Sites (important links of institutions, documents about Dengue, giving a great prominence for the Virtual Institute of Dengue) and finally a more educative Section teaching how to avoid the illness proliferation, with orientation of group of  Dengue network.
The implementation of this service will provide access to information and will promote an interactive commu nication system about Dengue that the target-public in general will be benefited.