9º Congresso Mundial de Informação em Saúde e Bibliotecas

Salvador, Bahia - Brasil, 20 a 23 de setembro de 2005


4ª Reunião de Coordenação Regional da BVS

19 e 20 de setembro de 2005

P115 - The Virtual Health Library on Professional Health Training like an information resource for health technicians

Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fundação Oswaldo Cruz - Fiocruz), through the Joaquim Venâncio Polytechnical Health School (Escola Politécnica de Saúde Joaquim Venâncio - EPSJV), implemented one more Virtual Health Library (BVS) that is specialized in the Professional Training in Health. The Polytechnical Health School, being a reference for the training of human resources in health, considered the BVS-EPS as another way of getting into its goals, with is directed to the integration between the educational processes and the knowledge production. It also aimed at the strengthening of the information support for the Training Schools of the SUS (Escolas Técnicas do Sistema Único de Saúde- ET-SUS) as training centers in health. Following the directed principles set by the Bireme/Paho for the international cooperation in the area of scientific information on health sciences, the implementation of the BVS-EPS aimed at taking care of the demands for information formulated by professors working in the professional training of  secondary level students as well as by the students themselves. This paper presents the BVS-EPS project, the ideals that oriented its creation, the institutions involved, its objectives and the nature of the information available.