home > Programa > P116 - Biosafety Virtual Library: the challenge of the development and systematization of strategic information on Science and Technology
P116 - Biosafety Virtual Library: the challenge of the development and systematization of strategic information on Science and Technology
Inspired on existing models and using methodology developed by Bireme, the Biosafety Virtual Library (BVS-BIOS), having Oswaldo Cruz Foundation as the leader, has the challenge of contributing to the systematization of biosafety information developing interfaces and partnerships with other institutions.
BVS-BIOS will organize the collections and information in this area allowing their dissemination to the decision making process in the S & T institutions.
BVS-BIOS shall provide the users a broad research on biosafety and related issues, what will enable not only intervention on working processes but also improvement of professionals in the area.
The creation of BVS-BIOS shall contribute to scientific and technological advance and development of Brazil and other Portuguese speaking countries integrating the collections of other research centers.
BVS-BIOS will organize the collections and information in this area allowing their dissemination to the decision making process in the S & T institutions.
BVS-BIOS shall provide the users a broad research on biosafety and related issues, what will enable not only intervention on working processes but also improvement of professionals in the area.
The creation of BVS-BIOS shall contribute to scientific and technological advance and development of Brazil and other Portuguese speaking countries integrating the collections of other research centers.