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Versión en Español
Pesquisa livre
9º Congresso Mundial de Informação em Saúde e Bibliotecas
Salvador, Bahia - Brasil, 20 a 23 de setembro de 2005
4ª Reunião de Coordenação Regional da BVS
19 e 20 de setembro de 2005
> Tema 9 - Desenvolvimento de recursos humanos
21 a 23 de setembro de 2005
12:30 - 14:00
Sessão de Poster
Local: Hall E - Terceiro andar
P125 - The Development of the abilities of Local Agents in Monitoring in Health in its community: the contribution of this professional in practical of the citizenship making possible the reduction of the inequalities between the people
Claudete Vilche Fonseca; Nair Navarro
P126 - Focus on biosafety actions at libraries, archives and museums: the Manguinhos Library as a model
Francelina Helena Alvarenga Lima e Silva; Antônio Henrique Hermida; Cristina Costa Neto; Bernardo Soares
P127 - Professional development in Health Information Sciencies from 2000-2004
Ileana Alfonso Sánchez; Ileana Armenteros Vera
P128 - Experience in the implementation of a training program in the field of medical records and health information directed to high school graduate technicians
Marcia Fernandes Soares; Denise da S.Gomes; Ilma Noronha; Jussara Long; José Mauro C. Pinto; Mauricio De Seta; Rogério Lannes
P129 - Implementation of UFBA`s Theses and Dissertations Digital Library: health information
Valdete Silva Andrade; Maria Alice Santos Ribeiro; Vânia Cristina Souza Magalhães; Maria de Fátima Cleômenis Botelho; Joana Barbosa Guedes; Sônia Maria Ribeiro de Abreu; Ana Maria Boureau Machado
P130 - What do users (students of medicine) know about information retrieval?
María Fernanda Astigarraga; María Guillermina Guidoni
P131 - The uses of the PROFORMAR Academic Management Information System: limits, possibilities and challenges
Mauricio De Seta
P132 - The medical library`s role in graduate bioinformatics education
Michael M. Miyamoto; Lei Zhou; Henry V. Baker; Michele R. Tennant
P133 - A new product to support the continuing education of General practitioners in the UK - an introduction to BMJ Learning
Olwen Beaven; Kieran Walsh; James Wilson-Fish
P134 - Successful Information literacy course for 2nd year Junior Scientific Masterclass (JSM) students
Sjoukje van der Werf
P135 - The first Virtual Library of Health -VLH distance learning course
Verônica Mendes Abdala; Mônica Parentes; Shirley Dias da Silva; Silvia Maria Coelho Costa; Renata Silva Santos
P136 - Guaranteeing access to the health information search tools available through the Centro Latino Americano e do Caribe de Informação em Ciências da Saúde (BIREME) for the professionals of the São Paulo STD/AIDS Reference and Training Center (CRT-DST/AIDS)
SRS Conceição; PS Stockler; MC Silva; PC Pagano; JBA Sousa
P137 - The MS and PhD training at a non-academic research organization: the experience of René Rachou Research Center/FIOCRUZ
Vânia Maria Corrêa de Campos; Roberto Sena Rocha; Segemar Oliveira Magalhães
P162 - Moving from information transfer to information exchange. Evaluation and production of electronic training materials on dengue and Chagas` disease: sharing educational experiences between North and South
Denise Nacif Pimenta; Tim Beanland; Virgínia T. Schall; João Carlos Pinto Dias