home > Programa > P125 - The Development of the abilities of Local Agents in Monitoring in Health in its community: the contribution of this professional in practical of the citizenship making possible the reduction of the inequalities between the people
P125 - The Development of the abilities of Local Agents in Monitoring in Health in its community: the contribution of this professional in practical of the citizenship making possible the reduction of the inequalities between the people
The Program of Formation of Local Agents in Monitoring in Health - PROFORMAR it was a demand of the National Foundation of Health to the Polytechnical School of Health Joaquin Venâncio, and comes from the movements of rise of the collective qualification as consequence of the dynamics of techniques and organizational innovations, and of the transformations of the work in health. In this direction, it aims at to take care of to a necessity of qualification on the process of work and changes on profile of the picture of professionals of the National Foundation of Health, involved SES and SMS with field operations in the control of aggravations to the health, through a course that has as references the concept of Monitoring in Health, axle of the process of reorientation of the models of the SUS and decentralization of the ambient monitoring. Objective: evaluate the Local Agents in Monitoring in Health about development of its citizen’s abilities, after ending of the course. The course offers to the profession
al relative subsidies theoretician-practical to the globalization of the process of work of the area of Monitoring in Health, contributing for more critical and reflexive adoption of one and innovative constructivism, and to promote chances of knowledge, analysis and quarrel regarding the performance area/territory, identification of situation-problem and proposal of intervention. This process aims at to contribute for the construction of a politician-pedagogical project in the sector of health, which fulfills with the function to form/to train worker-citizens. The understanding of the work of the sanitary guards from the notion of necessary abilities to the execution of the actions was the guide-line of the education proposal. Thus two fields of abilities, techniques had been conceived and specify. This work aims to observe, in these workers, the development of the transversal abilities: to develop team work; to stimulate leaderships of the groups; to establish relations between its process of work and the d
aily one; to respect ethical and moral values; ideological and politicians as learning for the citizenship; to establish pacts with different actors inside and it are of the SUS; to understand and if to appropriate to the changes in the world of the work to the technological innovations in health. This research is being developed in the cities of Florianópolis, Blumenau and Joinville - Santa Catarina, cities that had concluded five groups in the total of 120 pupils and where the author acts as Regional Manager of the Program.