9º Congresso Mundial de Informação em Saúde e Bibliotecas

Salvador, Bahia - Brasil, 20 a 23 de setembro de 2005


4ª Reunião de Coordenação Regional da BVS

19 e 20 de setembro de 2005

P136 - Guaranteeing access to the health information search tools available through the Centro Latino Americano e do Caribe de Informação em Ciências da Saúde (BIREME) for the professionals of the São Paulo STD/AIDS Reference and Training Center (CRT-DST/AIDS)

The CRT-DST/AIDS-SP is the reference unit for the prevention, control, diagnosis and treatment of STD and AIDS of the State Program.
Objectives: Scientific-technical information on health is essential for the development of the health professionals of the Institution, is necessary to invest in human resources  to carry out  the quality of care and professional satisfaction, the Library CRT-DST/Aids and the Training and Development Unit  in  partnership with BIREME to promote five training programs for the professionals from CRT and other Institutions on the tools available for on-line research on BIREME.
Methods: 56 health professionals took part in the training, 34 of which from the CRT and the remainder from the state health network.
Results: 58% of participants had already performed on-line scientific research.54considered that the course met the objectives proposed satisfactorily and 54 participants considered the course very good. The fact that 47 participants answered that they learned beyond their expectations.
Conclusions: The participation in the courses enabled showing esteem for the professionals by building skills for using BIREME’s tools for on-line research in Health Sciences.