home > Programa > P133 - A new product to support the continuing education of General practitioners in the UK - an introduction to BMJ Learning
P133 - A new product to support the continuing education of General practitioners in the UK - an introduction to BMJ Learning
BMJ Learning is a new product produced by the BMJ Publishing Group. It is designed as a support tool for General Practitioners and hospital doctors in the UK, to help them with their learning. Doctors in the UK are now officially charged with demonstrating completion of educational activities. BMJ Learning is a web based product, which provides a variety of interactive learning modules which users can complete online, which cover therapeutic issues and patient care, but also managerial topics for those involved in practice or staff management. It also enables doctors to assess their learning needs online by providing tools for learning needs assessment (such as 360 degree appraisal tools). It also provides an electronic personal and professional development plan so that doctors can plan and record their learning in a systematic way. Finally it offers a courses and conference guide so that doctors can find out what educational activities are going on near them. Since its launch in the UK, BMJ Learning has been
well received and work has continued to develop its content and also to expand its usefulness for other healthcare professionals (such as practice nurses and practice managers). In this poster, we will look at the role of BMJ Learning and the response from users who have been evaluating it in their working environment.