9º Congreso Mundial de Información en Salud y Bibliotecas

Salvador, Bahia - Brasil, 20 a 23 de septiembre de 2005


4a. Reunión de Coordinación Regional de la BVS

19 y 20 de septiembre de 2005

Workers’ health information strategy management in the context of companies organizational intelligence

  • Mestrando em Ciência da Informação, Instituto de Ciência da Informação - Universidade Federal da Bahia  - Brasil
  • Professora Adjunto, Instituto de Ciência da Informação - Universidade Federal da Bahia  - Brasil

Workers’ health information strategy management in the context of companies organizational intelligence

The major objective of the management of information is to identify and to improve the flow of strategic information for the organization, optimizing the process of learning and adapting it to the environment, inside or out side the organization. In regards to environment continuous monitoring through the identification of the need of an uninterrupted flow of information, collection and analysis in order to reach knowledge and decision making, it would certainly reduce the uncertainty and would allow the implementation of the organizational intelligence process. In the organizational intelligence process is normally given more emphasis on the information gathered from the out side environment, which is generally related to the branch of business of the organization. However, the internal environment must get as much as or even more attention regarding to monitoring the information produced w ithin it. The information regarding the intellectual Capital, represented here by the members who “comprise the organization & quot;, are vital for the maintenance of the organization competitiveness. The workers are the major asset of the organization, thus the caring with their health represents a strategic action. Therefore, monitoring health being a matter of managing the workers health information by acknowledging the Managing of strategic information, it is usually not taken under much consideration by the organizations. The shortage and inconsistency in the information on the real situation of the workers health inside the organizations and in the society generally, make difficult to define priorities for the public policies, planning and implement health actions regarding the worker health, besides depriving the society of major instruments for social controlling and for the betterment of life and work conditions. In 2003, Welfare expenditures on insurance claim and special retirement (granted due to the exposition to agents hazardous and harmful to health or physical integrity, hence reducing the contribution time) totalized about R$ 8.2 billion. Nevertheless, the figures are estimate, and refer only to the formal sector of Labor. The “Portaria 800/2005”, issued by the Ministry of Brazilian Labor and Employment describes the National Policy for the Worker Health and Safety (NPWHS). Among the directives and strategies described through the NPWHS lie the enhancing of the SST actions, aiming at the inclusion of all Brazilian workers into the health promotion and protection system, however, legal devices ought to be designed and approved in order to insure the extending of the worker’s rights to  safety and health, to those who are now excluded, and structuring of the Worker Information Net, while describes strategies for the organization of the Workers Safety and Health information system. Many other major legal devices promulgated into the instances of the Labor, Welfare and Health Ministries, have created impact on the companies that are not ready yet to cater for what is extolled by the Worker Health Policies. Therefore, it is fundamental to implement an effective strategic management of workers health information in the internal process of organizational intelligence. Under such context, the goal of this work is to present a proposal of a model of strategic management for health information in work applied to the internal process of organizational intelligence, here called & quot; Pyramid Model & quot;, entitled as & quot; Biological Response Spectrum & quot;(BRS), it is acknowledge here that it has a direct impact on the health of the intellectual Capital, decisively contributing for the generation of knowledge regarding the most important adverse effects on the workers health and the reduction of the uncertainty in regards to making decisions for the implementation of preventive and corrective actions to promote the workers health.