home > Programa - Sessão de Trabalhos Livres > Experience of the STD/AIDS reference and training center (CRT-DST/AIDS) on the implementation of the “let´s read” project : a proposal to stimulate reading
Experience of the STD/AIDS reference and training center (CRT-DST/AIDS) on the implementation of the “let´s read” project : a proposal to stimulate reading
São Paulo Health Secretariat, STD/Aids Reference and Training Center, São Paulo - Brasil
São Paulo Health Secretariat, STD/Aids Reference and Training Center, São Paulo - Brasil
São Paulo Health Secretariat, STD/Aids Reference and Training Center, São Paulo - Brasil
São Paulo Health Secretariat, STD/Aids Reference and Training Center, São Paulo - Brasil
São Paulo Health Secretariat, STD/Aids Reference and Training Center, São Paulo - Brasil
The “Read with me” project is a pilot activity that was proposed by the State of São Paulo Culture and Health Departments for all Hospitals. The CRT-DST/AIDS adopted the idea as a humanizing action as well as for social inclusion. The “Read with me” project focuses on promoting reading habits among users, employees, other individuals and the local community aiming at their well-being, leisure, culture and the opportunity to expand knowledge. The project had to be adapted given the institution does not have a “reading room”. Professionals from various areas were stimulated to help and implement the project. The following resources are being used to promote the publications available: a small four-wheel car, containing children/teenager and adult literature and two cabinets with glass windows located in strategic areas, to allow people to see the titles available. Other activities are being developed by collaborators, such as reading poetry, story telling and other artistic presentations. The ex perience is resulting in an increase in the number of people interested in reading. The Project has mobilized its participants in such a positive way, that a selection process was initiated to choose volunteers to help in the activities and events related to the “Read with Me” Project.