9º Congresso Mundial de Informação em Saúde e Bibliotecas

Salvador, Bahia - Brasil, 20 a 23 de setembro de 2005


4ª Reunião de Coordenação Regional da BVS

19 e 20 de setembro de 2005

E-health, integrated systems versus incompatible data stock

  • Directeur d’études, Professor, Groupe des Ecoles des Télécommunications, Institut National des Télécommunications, CRITIC Laboratories  - France

This paper describes a research about one integrated e-health system.


E-health is an umbrella term for a wide range of Information and communication technologies activities :
-teleexpertise, teleconsultation telecooperation, transfer of medical data through the network and medical data transfer
-multi conferences, help isolated people, help some other physicains, diffusion of good practise
-tele supervision, allows to provide distant health services for prevention using medical equipment (supervision centre, remote equipment),
-health network, integration of patient in the health system. This information can be analyse by pathology or social category,
-distance education for doctors, and creation of virtual university or elearning system, for the French speaking physicians, we develop UMV (Virtual Medical University),
-tele imaging system, transfer of data to provide therapeutic decision, experts second decisions, military or priso n health,
-E-health can provide distant health services activities at home or on long distance transportation system (long haul flight).
One other activity is the electronic management of health institution.  Some example: health identity card, social system card, and software for hospital management. Acquisition, storage management and sharing of required medical data.
In some case, we create nine systems; each system is incompatible with one other.

Aim and methods

The aim of this paper is to propose a solution for defining ONE unique system based on a standard process or standardised interface.
In first time, we made an inquiry on 100 peoples involved in health process to understand what they will have. We have read more of 50 report on this subject.
Ins second phase, we analyse some results. We observe some e-health advantages: e-health enhance quality of care, reduce cost for hospitals and patients, extend the scope of health care beyond geographica l limit, enhance quality of care by empowerment of physicians knowledge, give better information of patients.
We test some model of information and communication system development. We try defined conceptual model of the new information system.
We observe the necessity of enabling information exchange and communication through standardized application. The necessity of national e-health strategy is one result and it is necessary to start a framework building of Private Public Partnership. We must test the capability of e-health infrastructure (e-health backbone network) and initiate a building up a Knowledge based health system.

The proposal has actually for ways.

-Test wide area electronic health infrastructure based on medical patient information
-Continuing and increasing medical education and information thought interoperable portal
-Building tele-expertise or tele-supervision information centres
-Create a New standardisation forum