9º Congresso Mundial de Informação em Saúde e Bibliotecas

Salvador, Bahia - Brasil, 20 a 23 de setembro de 2005


4ª Reunião de Coordenação Regional da BVS

19 e 20 de setembro de 2005

Implementation of educative actions on tuberculosis in school communities of the Programmatic Area 4/AP4 - Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil

  • Centro de Referência Professor Hélio Fraga/SVS/MS – Rio de Janeiro/RJ  - Brasil
  • Centro de Referência Professor Hélio Fraga/SVS/MS – Rio de Janeiro/RJ  - Brasil
  • Centro de Referência Professor Hélio Fraga/SVS/MS – Rio de Janeiro/RJ
  • Centro de Referência Professor Hélio Fraga/SVS/MS – Rio de Janeiro/RJ
  • Centro de Referência Professor Hélio Fraga/SVS/MS – Rio de Janeiro/RJ

The present study is the result of educational activities related to the tuberculosis disease, developed by heath educational professionals working in the Reference Center Professor Hélio Fraga, from the Vigilance Heath Secretary of the Ministry of Heath, with the partnership of the Seventh Regional Coordination of Educational Program in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

The present study, realized between 1999 and 2004, has the objective to promote educational actions, in horizontal way, between the educators in heath and the students in the Programmatic Area 4/AP4, in Rio de Janeiro and legitimate the concept of collective construction of the knowledge in the tuberculosis disease and to improve the number of teacher able to teach the theme in the schools.

The participative methodology was utilized; with the helper instruments the oriented visits in the Reference Center; classes illustrated and dialogues between teachers and students and educational materials were distributed.

The activities were realized with the students in the first and second degree; from state, municipal and private schools from the 4/AP4 region in the neighborhood of Jacarepagua, Barra da Tijuca and Cidade de Deus, near the Reference Center.

The Program received 480 students per year, in groups of 60 students per visit.
The use of group dynamics has the objective to stimulate the integration of the students. One verbal questionnaire related to the disease, the symptoms and the treatment was used to evaluate the learning in the theme. A composition concourse, and the end of the year, was proposed, to stimulate the students to evaluate the activities.

The most important result of the work was the information from the heath service that some patients came to visit the service after receive the information about the disease from students and teachers witch participated in the educational program.

Conclusion: The educational actions contribute to stimu late the participation of the population; the recognition of the symptoms of tuberculosis; the mobilization of the society is one of the elements very important to heath promotion and for the control of the disease, in the construction of the best life quality for all.