home > Program - Contributed Paper Session > History of latin-american health and Medicine: proposals to develop the contents in the site “BIREME BVS-Historia.”
History of latin-american health and Medicine: proposals to develop the contents in the site “BIREME BVS-Historia.”
Profesor, Escuela de Bibliotecología y Archivología, Universidad Central de Venezuela (UCV); Coordinador de Investigación Facultad de Humanidades, UCV - Venezuela
Profesor de la Cátedra de Puericultura y Pediatría, Facultad de Medicina. Universidad Central de Venezuela - Venezuela
Knowing the limitations to access the history of health and illness in Latin-America and the Caribbean due to the fact that the information is disperse, inaccessible and that there is no specific database that covers the subject, a new structure of the site “VBG -history of the health and medicine methodology” for Latin America and the Caribbean is presented. It includes methodology, structure and content. At present this site is coordinated by the Latin American and Caribbean Center on Health Sciences Information. It is proposed that the Coordinating Center of each country, with the support of the Societies and University Chairs of History of Medicine, will incorporate the data under the following general scheme, which implies subdivisions as well: a) History of health, medicine and disease for each country (under a subscheme). b) Bibliographical databases (includes books, documents, films, thesis, academic promotion works and articles published in magazines and other documents. c) Libraries, centers, archives, museums and information depositary institutes. d) Scientific and Academic Societies and investigation projects in the area. e) Lists of history of medicine journals (health, science and diseases), with links to the bibliographical database (summaries and full text). f) Scientific Congresses and events (pasts and programmed) g) Biographies by authors, countries, others. h) Public Health History, pediatrics, internal medicine, obstetrics and surgery (by country). This proposal tries to develop a sustainable model and to consolidate the BVS -history of Latin-America. A prototype is shown (Venezuela)
Se menciona como coautores: Individuos de Número de la Sociedad Venezolana de Historia de la Medicina