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Contribution of a cooperative center for the public health virtual library project / BVS-SP/BIREME/PAHO-WHO
Pan-American Health Organization - PAHO / WHO - Brasil
The participation of the Documentation Center/Cedoc of Pan American Health Organization/PAHO in the Bireme Network is presented like a Cooperative Center and it is enhancing here its gradual insertion in the Health Virtual Library Project /BVS. The bibliographic and multimedia production of PAHO is notably one of the greatest of Brazil in the health area. Such production was overcome by the Ministry of Health because some of these documents are originally produced from partnerships between the two organizations. It is demonstrated how libraries and research centers can and should offer their contributions for a comprehensive project, not only in health thematic areas, but concerning their interdisciplinary and internationality. Health Virtual Library (BVS) is not only focused on Latin America and Caribbean, but it is dealing with contingences that cross all the continents. The Documentation Center of Pan American Health Organizazion (Cedoc) suggests the possibility of an inc! reasing and permanent structure,
due to institutional production and frequent requests from its users. The Health Virtual Library /BVS presents as its central theme, regarding health, the following items: services and systems, health promotion, environment, appropriate policies and methodologies. The evidence for questions raised in Brazil and other Latin American and Caribbean Countries, on public health, is searched in the representation depicted, through various means, by documents.