9º World Congress on Health Information and Libraries

Salvador, Bahia - Brazil, September, 20 to 23 - 2005


4th Regional Coordination Meeting of the VHL

September, 19 to 20 - 2005

Health Surveillance Virtual Comunity

  • Diretor, ANVISA, Ministério da Saúde  - Brasil
  • Analista Administrativo, Gerência-Geral de Gestão de Conhecimento e Documentação, Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária  - Brasil
  • Gerente de Documentação Técnico-Científica, Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária  - Brasil

The Comunidade Virtual em Vigilância Sanitária (CVS) is a Virtual Comunity, with communication tools, based on the following concepts:

• Diffusion of the principles, technics and pratices of Health Surveillance on the National System of Health Surveillance;

• Harmonization and diffusion of Health Surveillance information, experiences, technics, and norms on the Federal, states and municipalities levels.

• Create mechanisms to promote the theoretical and practice discussion, developing efforts to conduct to new methods on the Health Surveillance National System.

• Articulation and dissemination on the Health Surveillance field, collaborating for the consolidation of Public Health practices on the Health Unique System and on the building of a society health conscience.

The VC can be used as an information a space for discussion. The VC can be accessed on the WEB on the following link: http://www.comvisa.bvs.br[ [/a> .

The Virtual Comunity has been developing na important contributionon to the Health Surveillance National System management (for example: Sinavisa)

On this presentation we will talk about the experience with Virtual Comunity during this first year of project.