9º World Congress on Health Information and Libraries

Salvador, Bahia - Brazil, September, 20 to 23 - 2005


4th Regional Coordination Meeting of the VHL

September, 19 to 20 - 2005

The Network of Libraries and Units of Information of Public Health – BiblioSHS

  • Projeto Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde do Ministério da Saúde, Coordenadoria Geral de Documentação, Ministério da Saúde, Brasília  - Brasil
  • Coordenadoria Geral de Documentação, Ministério da Saúde, Brasília  - Brasil
  • Projeto Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde do Ministério da Saúde, Coordenadoria Geral de Documentação, Ministério da Saúde, Brasília  - Brasil

The Network of Libraries and Units of Information in Health – Brazil (BiblioSUS Network), is an initiative of the Ministry of Health of Brazil (MH), and is structured on three pillars: enhancement of institutional information management and dissemination of health knowledge which are ruled by the Editorial Policy of the MH, and lastly, integration of communication and information projects developed by the Brazilian Government. As far as enhancements in the institutional information management are concerned, the BiblioSUS Network will act on the integration of 27 libraries of the National Health System (SUS). The first challenge of that Network will be create common methods and technologies for bibliography control configuring the Technical SHS memory. Such actions will culminate in having increases on the available sources of information in the Virtual Health Library in Public Health - Brazil as from the establishment of the SUS National Collection of Source of Information database – ColecionaSUS, whic h will provide a new level of SUS institutions attendance at the process of formulating the Virtual Health Library - Brazil. It intends also, to enlarge the usage of informational materials by SUS institutions by cataloguing libraries, neighborhood councils, etc, be it on public or private premises. Currently, there are more than 200 registered units, which its mission is to create new regional branches so as to access information on health, as well as a compromise in identifying new partners and guarantee the perfect functionality of the catalogued units. The third network pillar will emphasize Brazilian Government projects integrations related to areas of information and documentation, for instance, the National Program for the Book and Reading. Therefore, it is assumed that actions on the BiblioSUS Network will be fundamentally important for the documentation and information units that aims, somehow, service qualifications, team integration and well-succeeded exchange of experiences, hopefully that equal a ccess to information must be the basis of such units in light of the cooperative work.