9º Congreso Mundial de Información en Salud y Bibliotecas

Salvador, Bahia - Brasil, 20 a 23 de septiembre de 2005


4a. Reunión de Coordinación Regional de la BVS

19 y 20 de septiembre de 2005

Management of the information in health: going through the attendance humanization

  • Escola Politécnica Joaquim Venâncio, FIOCRUZ, Ministério da Saúde  - Brasil
  • Escola Politécnica Joaquim Venâncio, FIOCRUZ, Ministério da Saúde  - Brasil
  • Escola Politécnica Joaquim Venâncio, FIOCRUZ, Ministério da Saúde  - Brasil
  • Escola Politécnica Joaquim Venâncio, FIOCRUZ, Ministério da Saúde  - Brasil
We know that the information is an instrument for the construction and conduction of the Health System , being one of them pillars to decisions for managers to the management of the services.  Another important factor is the trustworthiness and the quality of these data found in the handbook of the patient, instrument of origin of these data.  Some institutions of health, aiming at to improve the quality of the given services, are transforming its models of management with different actions, between them, the & quot;Reorganization of the Management System of Information and Registers & quot;, through advisory with the EPSJV/FIOCRUZ, where we search a joint of proper questions of the technique and science, to a humanistic formation, in order to contemplate qualities, virtues and the experiences of life and objective work of citizens-workers. The aim of this work is to present the results of the courses carried through in the implantation of the National Card of Health in the 44 cities of the plan pilot, in the Hospital University Antonio Pedro/RJ, Hospital Group Conceição/POA and City department of Health/RJ, where  the elaborated program was organized in thematic axles treading its contents from the confluence to know and practical deriving of the Information in Health and Humanization of the Attendance, according with the Federal Government that comes constructing Public Politics that make possible the institutionalization of the human attention. It grows, each day, the necessity of if seeing the human being under a new prism.  The sped up process of technological development comes cau sing serious problems in Health, the singularity of the patient is being forgotten.  The work of a professional in such a way depends on the quality technique as of the interacional quality, and this, in the health, means to bring for daily discussions the possibility of humanization and responsabilization, consequently constructing themselves conceptually and in practical concrete of the services a work in team, what is not an easy task. This experience favored the quarrels on management forms and use of the information generated in the units cited, having as background of the interpersonal relations, the development of the work in team, reflections on values, behavior, feelings, ethics and the principles of human being existence.  It can be perceived in the evaluations, positive interventions, as auto-they esteem, the critical capacity and construction in the process of work of the participants.